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Various topics aimed at increasing motivation, well-being, relieving stress, promoting sustainable performance, and maintaining mental health.

Tailored guidance to understand where you stand individually and help you achieve your goals.

A safe space to deepen your self-knowledge and optimize your well-being in life and relationships.

Inspiring lectures based on the latest research and personal experiences.



Welcome to Fullfillment! 


I empower artists, researchers, and corporate professionals to increase their intrinsic motivation, enabling them to excel in what they do.


Featured Clients

Johnson & Johnson

Museum für Kommunikation Bern
Generali Versicherungen
University of Zürich
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Stadt Bern
Hochschule der Künste Bern HKB
Sutter Projects

Vorstadt Theater Basel
ETH Zürich
EPFL Lausanne
Réseau romand de mentoring pour femmes et des ateliers REGARD
Fix The Leaky Pipeline

Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit DEZA

Haus der Religionen Bern

Entreprises Territoires et Développement ETD

What Sets My Approach Apart

All About Fullfillment

At Fullfillment, I acknowledge that diversity in the sense of being different inspires exceptional contributions—an essential foundation for personal, team, and organizational success. 
Imagine being in touch with your true power and vitality, engaging authentically with others, and cultivating a culture that celebrates diversity and inclusion. True connectedness is at the cornerstone of fostering sustainable excellence, wellbeing, health, and wealth.

Here is a Client Testimonial:
"Our work opened my eyes to the fact that the academic path does not align with my values, allowing me to approach other paths. I am confident that I have identified my needs and resources to find fulfillment in my working life. Afi Sika is extremely compassionate, and her guidance reassured me in my decision-making (...) Her positivity, professionalism, and sensitivity were major assets throughout the process."

Another one is:
"Ich fand den Workshop mit Afi Sika über Diversität wirklich großartig, weil sie es geschafft hat, alle Teilnehmenden mitzunehmen – selbst diejenigen, die anfangs dachten, das Thema sei weniger relevant. Afi Sika hat uns auf eine neue und inspirierende Art geholfen, die Perspektiven anderer besser zu verstehen. Ihr Beispiel aus ihrer eigenen Berufspraxis war besonders anschaulich und praxisnah. Ich finde ihre Arbeit unglaublich wertvoll."

Ready for the Next Step? 

Contact me today for a no-obligation initial consultation and discover how we can work together to enhance your professional fulfillment.

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